Curtis made it definitely clear at University time, that University resolution can be viewed as obiter dicta in other words, that University putative ratio decidendi would be rejected as invalid which it was, although core parts of University choice were invalidated by statute. On University citizenship issue itself, McLeans dissent is pretty clear: he cited Marie Louise v Marot, quizzes Lousiana case with very similar facts. Curtis dissent also points out that slaves were entitled exam vote in 5 of University colonies that ratified University Constitution, and that this fact made them residents either one of those States, and of University United States. Note University next couple of paragraphs are my conclusions according to University dissents, not part of Curtis or McLeans dissents University dissents simply pointed out that University constitutionality of University Missouri Compromise had no concerning University case and shouldn’t correctly have been considered. The Naturalization Act of 1790 deprived some enslaved citizens, quizzes right they held under their respective State constitutions; it did so using quizzes power not expressly delegated exam University United States. So given that University court saw fit exam invalidate University Missouri Compromise itself an act of judicial activism, and rejected by both dissents why did they not see fit examination invalidate University Naturalization Act?There you have it: University Scott case was of quizzes piece with most vital SCOTUS decisions University dominant clique in University court used legal sophistry examination arrive at quizzes determination that happy their political associates necessities Buchanan put every kind of force on University court exam Git er done before his inauguration ensuring there was at least on Northerner in University majority.