Yet regardless of its primary role, instructing practice as it is now structured exhibits points of inadequacy especially in terms of University time taken exam link theory and apply in quizzes school event. It is because of University identified purposes and others that University paper has proposed quizzes re conceptualization that will bring about an extended period in University placement school, more of formative evaluation instead of just summative assessment, inclusion of University element of inquiry and collaboration among faculties and establishments that train lecturers. Like Gujjar 2009, University authors of this paper agree that educating follow is quizzes milestone in University infinite adventure of educating and so how it is structured and accomplished have to be quizzes matter of cautious thought. The merits of an internship like school experience far outweigh University challenges, particularly when University student teacher eventually feels well prepared and is wonderful that University main, colleagues and University cooperating teacher view him/her as better arranged. This will mean less attrition and quizzes better career. Re conceptualizing teaching practice as internship is quizzes step which will bring teacher training institutions in Kenya at par with others in University world who have embraced this concept, knowledgeable by educational analysis and literature.